Statement: Nothing Will Change at Facebook without Real, Independent Oversight and Regulation as Sandberg Leaves A Shameful Legacy

1 June — The Real Facebook Oversight Board issued the following statement, attributable to a spokesperson:
“Sheryl Sandberg leaves behind a shameful legacy. Her failed leadership enabled Facebook and its platforms to become the engine of disinformation that it is today. And for all the talk of her as an adult in the room or a moderating force, Sandberg acquiesced when it counted most, failing to restrain Mark Zuckerberg’s worst and most undemocratic instincts.
Unfortunately, her departure does not mean change for Facebook or disinformation and hate on social media. Even when faced with clear, demonstrable evidence of the harms caused by its platforms, Facebook’s approach is always spin and obfuscation, never change. Nothing will change at Facebook without real, independent oversight and regulation.
Our hope is that someday Sandberg’s conscience will lead her, like so many before, to speak out about how Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg have failed to heed repeated warnings about the company’s impact on democracy and its users.”
Real Facebook Oversight Board members are available for interviews. Statements do not reflect the individual positions of all Real Facebook Oversight Board Members. Contact us at