Sharing Home Addresses? Seems Bad! Facebook Isn’t Sure.

Real Facebook Oversight Board
1 min readJun 15, 2021


JUNE 15 — The Real Facebook Oversight Board issued the following statement for attribution on today’s referral of a case on the appropriateness of sharing residential addresses of Facebook users without consent on its platforms to the Oversight Board:

Facebook can’t even be trusted to make even the most basic, common sense content moderation decisions. Sharing home addresses without consent? Seems bad! But then again Facebook allowed a breach of nearly half a billion users personal data without accountability.

This case, while not as shiny as the Trump Ban, is yet another example of the pointlessness of the Facebook Oversight Board. Why would you need guidance on a decision this straightforward? And why is Facebook asking for policy recommendations from its Oversight Board when they aren’t binding and they decline to take them anyway?

No, private personal home addresses should not be shared without consent. And yes, Facebook needs real, independent oversight.




Real Facebook Oversight Board

An emergency response to the ongoing harms on Facebook’s platforms from leading global scholars, experts and advocates.